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Let’s Talk Contact Virgin Hotels

We’ve Got A Rep For Creating A Ruckus

Richard Branson brings the iconic Virgin brand into new markets around the world to shake up the status quo. Now, with new levels of service and quality, we’re taking on hospitality with the innovative Virgin Hotels. As Virgin’s latest hospitality venture, our properties offer Virgin Hotels developers a unique real estate investment that targets a young at heart, high-income audience. Backed by our team of industry mavericks with a focus on boutique hotels, we’re here to do some good in the luxury lifestyle hotel market — and have fun doing it.

“I’ve had great fun turning quite a lot of different industries on their heads and making sure those industries would never be the same because Virgin took them on.”

— Sir Richard Branson

With more than 25 years in the travel sector and a reputation for delivering unforgettable experiences to millions of fans, Virgin is a perfect fit for the luxury lifestyle hotel business. Virgin is a leader in design and hospitality and has transformed businesses ranging from airlines and fitness clubs to super luxury retreats and even space tourism. Our customers expect innovation and excellence, and our luxury lifestyle hotels will deliver exactly that.

Boutique Hotel Development
in The World’s Most Dynamic Urban & Resort Markets

Capitalizing on the Virgin brand’s international appeal and cosmopolitan fan base, we’re looking to expand our love and hotel development opportunities to the world’s most dynamic urban and resort markets.  From small, boutique hotel development to large, upper upscale and luxury hotel properties, we’re keen to discover luxury lifestyle hotel opportunities in neighborhoods as vibrant and cultural as the young at heart consumer we serve.

Once ready for business, Virgin Hotels properties will feature our charismatic and contemporary style alongside innovative functionality, ample communal space, a signature restaurant and entertainment venues, all wrapped in an efficient, personalized experience.

Changing Business For Good